python request版 极客学院爬虫V1

2023年10月11日 21:52
  1. 定向爬取极客学院视频,原本只有年费VIP只能下载,经过分析,只要找个免费体验VIP即可爬取所有视频
  2. 涉及的基本技术:python xpath 正则 com
  3. 通过python调用迅雷从组件,实现自动创建文件夹和自动添加批量下载任务,前提要成功安装迅雷和迅雷组件
  4. 思路:path路径爬取所有标签-》搜索页面所有该课程分类-》课程页面获取课程明细-》正则分析视频地址
  5. 极客学院的一直在改进,可能需要自己改进

import requests
from lxml import etree
import re
import sys, os, glob,time
import scrapy


**# baesurl = “

base_path = “f:/jike/”**

heanders Cookie需要自己抓取,否则只能抓取到免费课程

headers = {
“Host”: “”,
“User-Agent”: “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:39.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/39.0”,
“Accept”: “text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8”,
“Accept-Language”: “zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3”,
“Accept-Encoding”: “gzip, deflate”,
“Cookie”: “_ga=GA1.2.1700377703.1438173034; Hm_lvt_f3c68d41bda15331608595c98e9c3915=1438173034; MECHAT_LVTime=1438179151498; MECHAT_CKID=cookieVal=006600143817303272961295; stat_ssid=1438985023415; stat_uuid=1438173038588973692017; connect.sid=s%3AWt8IWWxkVZ6zlhop7HpbG-vtX_qtwIAs.QC1tYy4qV1bHOMDN0UTUfScLKFncl4NY5zAk1SS17Kw; QINGCLOUDELB=37e16e60f0cd051b754b0acf9bdfd4b5d562b81daa2a899c46d3a1e304c7eb2b|VbjfT|VbjfT; Hm_lpvt_f3c68d41bda15331608595c98e9c3915=1438179151; stat_isNew=0; stat_fromWebUrl=; _gat=1; uname=jike_76; uid=2992598; code=SMapFI; authcode=d572TzIvHFXNIVNXcNf4vI5lv1tQlyEknAG4m0mDQmvMRPa4VhDOtJXOSfO%2BeVFVPzra8M1sEkEzxqLX9qRgS6nWhd5VMobbDpeqvJ726i54TqMoDo81P4OlhQ”,
“Connection”: “keep-alive”

class jike_auto_down:
base_path = “”
base_url = “”
course_tag = “”
course_id = “”

def __init__(self, base_path, base_url):    if base_path and base_url:        self.base_path = base_path        self.base_url = base_url        self.get_tags()    else:        print("base_path and base_url is all must needed!")        returndef run(self):    self.get_tags()

get_tags 获取所有便签

def get_tags(self):    url = ""    tag_html = requests.get(url).text.decode("utf-8").encode("GB18030")    tag_etree = etree.HTML(tag_html)    tag_lists = [str(tag).rstrip("/")[str(tag).rstrip("/").rindex("/") + 1:] for tag in                 tag_etree.xpath('/html/body/div[1]/div[4]/div/div[3]/div/a/@href') if tag]    if tag_lists:        for tag in tag_lists:            print(tag)            self.course_tag = tag            self.get_total_page(tag)

get_tags 获取课程所有页面 课程分页是js生成不好直接抓取,所以就暴力了

def get_total_page(self, tag):    if tag:        for page in range(1, 50):            page_url = self.base_url + tag + "?pageNum=%d" % page            # print(page_url)            page_html = requests.get(page_url, headers=headers).text.decode("utf-8").encode("GB18030")            # print(page_html)            no_userMenu ="userMenu", page_html, re.S)            if no_userMenu is None:                print("please check the cookies")                return            no_search ="no-search", page_html, re.S)            if no_search:                print("the tag ;%s,%d is biggest page" % (tag, page - 1))                # return page_url_lists                break            else:                # page_url_lists.append(page_url)                self.get_course_pages(page_url)                # print(page_url)

get_course_pages 获取课程详细页面

def get_course_pages(self, tag_url):    if tag_url:        print("the tag_url:%s " % tag_url)        course_page_lists = self.get_xpath_lists(tag_url, headers,                                                 '//*[@id="changeid"]/ul/li/div/div[2]/h5/a/@href')        if course_page_lists:            for course_page_url in course_page_lists:                self.get_down_urls(course_page_url)


def get_down_urls(self, course_page_url):    if course_page_url:        self.course_id = course_page_url[course_page_url.rindex("/") + 1:course_page_url.rindex(".")]        # print(course_page_url)        print("             course_id:%s %s" % (self.course_id, course_page_url))        course_down_lists = self.get_xpath_lists(course_page_url, headers,                                                 '//*[@class="video-list"]/div[2]/ul/li/div/h2/a/@href')        if course_down_lists:            for course_down_url in course_down_lists:                course_down_html = requests.get(course_down_url, headers=headers).text.decode("utf-8").encode(                    "GB18030")                course_down = re.findall(r'source src="(.*?)"', course_down_html, re.S)                if course_down:                    print("                     %s" % course_down[0])                    if self.addTasktoXunlei(course_down[0]):                        # print("                     %s is add success!" % course_down[0])                        print("                     is add success!")                        time.sleep(5)


def get_file_lists(self, course_tag, course_id):    course_path = ""    if self.base_path and os.path.exists(self.base_path) == False:        try:            os.mkdir(self.base_path)        except Exception:            print("error :%s" % Exception.message)            return    if course_tag and os.path.exists(self.base_path + course_tag) == False:        try:            os.mkdir(self.base_path + course_tag)            # print("%s dir is create success!" % (self.base_path + course_tag))        except Exception:            print("dir is create error,the error is %s" % Exception.message)    tmp = self.base_path + course_tag + "\\" + str(course_id)    if course_id and os.path.exists(tmp) == False:        try:            os.mkdir(tmp)            course_path = tmp            # print("%s dir is create success!" % tmp)        except Exception:            print("dir is create error,the error is %s" % Exception.message)            return    else:        course_path = tmp    return course_path

get_xpath_lists 专门解析xpath,不用每次都写

def get_xpath_lists(self, url, headers, xpath):    try:        html = requests.get(url, headers=headers).text.decode("utf-8").encode("GB18030")        tree = etree.HTML(html)        lists = [str(plist) for plist in tree.xpath(xpath) if plist]    except Exception:        print("get xpath list is error is :%s" % Exception.message)        return    return lists

addTasktoXunlei 添加迅雷任,必须安装迅雷,还需要对迅雷设置默认不提醒,否则就需要手动点击确定了

def addTasktoXunlei(self, down_url):    flag = False    from win32com.client import Dispatch    o = Dispatch("ThunderAgent.Agent.1")    # http: // / 201508011650 / a396d5f2b9a19e8438da3ea888e4cc73 / python / course_776 / 01 / video / c776b_01_h264_sd_960_540.mp4    if down_url:        course_infos = str(down_url).replace(" ", "").replace("http://", "").split("/")        course_path = self.get_file_lists(self.course_tag, self.course_id)        try:            o.AddTask(down_url, course_infos[len(course_infos)-1], course_path, "", "", 1, 0, 5)            o.CommitTasks()            flag = True        except Exception:            print(Exception.message)            print("                     AddTask is fail!")    return flag

# get_file_lists()

course_id = [“c1”, “c2”]

for tag in get_tags():

get_file_lists(“f:/jike/”, tag, course_id)


dow = “


if name == “main“:
myjike = jike_auto_down(“f:\jike\”, ““)











